Overview- Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures
Before understanding about subject, Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures, let us first understand about Concrete.
Concrete is a artificial stone like substance, obtained by proportioned mixture of cement, sand and gravel (aggregate) and water. It can be molded in any shape to form dimensions of the desired structure. Since, Concrete is a brittle material and very strong in tension but weak in tension. Steel reinforcement is used inside concrete for strengthening and reinforcing the tensile strength of concrete. The reinforcement provided must have deformations to provide strong bonds and interlocking of concrete inhert materials (Aggregate) and binding material (Cement). This hardened mass along with designed amount of reinforcement to satisfy load conditions of any structure, known as “Reinforced Concrete“.
Therefore, knowledge of Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures is very essential for every Civil engineer in planning, designing and construction of his various types of structures.
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Advantages of Reinforced Concrete :-
- It has relatively high compressive and tensile strength.
- R.C.C. structures are durable if designed properly.
- It has long service life with low maintenance cost, if maintained properly.
- The steel reinforcement imparts ductility to the R.C.C. structures.
- It can be cast into any shape, making it widely used as structural components of all type of structures.
- Fire resistant than other commonly used construction materials like steel and wood.
- These structures if designed properly, are earthquake resistant.
- For Dams, piers and footings type of structure it serves to be most economical.
- By using steel, cross sectional dimensions of structural members can be reduced.
Disdvantages of Reinforced Concrete :-
- R.C.C. structures are heavier than other materials like steel, wood and glass etc.
- Such structures can’t be used immediately after construction unlike steel structures.
- It needs lot of form-work, centering and shuttering to be fixed, thus require lot of site space and skilled labour.
- For multi-storied building the R.C.C column section for is larger than steel section.
- Shrinkage causes crack development and strength loss
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