Study Materials

Study materials of Various topics and Engineering Subjects

Structure group, Study Materials

Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures (DRCCS)

Engineering Geology
Structure group, Study Materials

Engineering Geology

Structure group, Study Materials

Concrete Technology (CT)

Define Concrete? Concrete Technology? Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, fine aggregates (sand) and coarse aggregates mixed with water which hardens with time. Portland cement is the commonly used type of cement for production of concrete. Pozolonic Portland Cement and Ordinary Portland cement are two broad categories of cement. Different other types of cement are manufactured based on the need and application. Concrete technology deals with study of properties of concrete and its practical applications. In a building construction, concrete is used for the construction of foundations, columns, beams, slabs and other load bearing elements. Concrete is used for all types of construction works such as, road pavement construction, Bridge construction etc. Below are some collection of books/notes related to this subject. These books/notes will be helpful for reference purpose. This books/notes will help to solve your difficulties while studying. I recommend you to prepare your self-notes. Self Notes will be helpful for fast revision and understanding. Get Download link directly on your Email-ID for below mentioned Notes Advanced Concrete Handbook of Concrete Discounts applicable. Automatic discount will be applicable at checkout from Amazon (T&C) for any purchase. Thanks. I have Many More Books and notes. Kindly drop a mail requesting any topic of the above Subject. I may get back to you with a solution. Contact Disclaimer:- The above Downloads are collected from various sources of Internet. Author or the Website owner is not responsible for any copyright issues. This downloads are made available for the students and readers, to enhance their knowledge.  This notes will help needy students as a supportive aid to prepare for competitive examination. The website owner/ Author, wholeheartedly respect the effort of the notes creators and is very very thankful to all those who had made available these Downloads for needy students. *I can only help you by providing these notes prepared by respective owners, but your effort and dedication will lead you towards “success”. All the best to the students preparing for Exam. Social Follow our Social Media Platforms   Youtube Channel Civilok   Facebook Page @Civiloks   Facebook Page @Motivational Mystery   Twitter Page @Civiloks   Telegram Channel @Civilok   Pintrest Civilok Note:- For direct approach to my channels and pages, only type “CIVILOK” in any of the above social media platform and find the page and “SUBSCRIBE”. About Author Click on pen below to know more about the Author and “” Website. Hey, i am the Author and Creator of this website, Post Graduate in Structural Engineering. I am always enthusiastic and interested in learning and sharing new happenings around. I love to share my knowledge by various blogs and Videos. This website is my emotion towards my passion. Alokkumar. A. Mondal Civil Engineer

Structure group, Study Materials

Engineering Mechanics (EM)

Define Engineering Mechanics? Before defining Engineering Mechanics, first of all, let us understand, what is “Mechanics”. Mechanics is a branch of “physics”. As per the definition given in “Wikipedia“, “Physics” is a natural science. It studies matter, its motion and behavior through space and time and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines. Its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves. Mechanics is branch of physics, which relates to the study of action of forces on material bodies with respect to their state of rest, motion and deformation. “Engineering mechanics” is that branch of Applied Science, which deals with the laws and principles of Mechanics, along with their  applications to engineering problems. Therefore, knowledge of Engineering Mechanics is very essential for an engineer in planning, designing and construction of his various types of structures and machines. I would Suggest you to buy books by searching below. Discounts applicable. Just search any books below. Automatic discount will be applicable at checkout from Amazon for any purchase. Thanks. Groups of Engineering Mechanics:- “Engineering mechanics” is further divided into two groups, i.e. Statics and Dynamics. Statics deals with is study of force and their effects, when the body is at state of rest . Further “Statics” is subdivided into study of statics of rigid bodies and statics of deformable bodies. Similarly, the study related to force and their effects, when the body is in motion, then the study is known as dynamics. Further “dynamics” is sub-divided into Fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, relativistic mechanics etc. Define Force:- The force is an important factor in the field of Mechanics. Force is defined as an agent which produces or tends to produce, destroys or tends to destroy motion. Below are some collection of books/notes related to this subject. These books/notes will be helpful for reference purpose. This books/notes will help to solve your difficulties during studying. I recommend you to prepare your self-notes. Self Notes will be helpful for fast learning and understanding. Name of Books/Notes Download Engineering Mechanics – Louis Basic EM Notes Handwritten Unit-1 Engineering Mechanics- Friction Handwritten Engineering Mechanics-Notes Printed Basic EM Notes Handwritten -Stress strain I would Suggest you to buy books by searching below. Discounts applicable. Just search any books below. Automatic discount will be applicable at checkout from Amazon for any purchase. Thanks. I have Many More Books and notes. Kindly drop a mail requesting any topic of the above Subject. I may get back to you with a solution. Contact Disclaimer:- The above Downloads are collected from various sources of Internet. Author or the Website owner is not responsible for any copyright issues. This downloads are made available for the students and readers, to enhance their knowledge as a supportive aid to their studies. Author is thankful to all those who had made available these Downloads… Social Follow our Social Media Platforms   Youtube Channel Civilok   Facebook Page @Civiloks   Facebook Page @Motivational Mystery   Twitter Page @Civiloks   Telegram Channel @Civilok   Pintrest Civilok Note:- For direct approach to my channels and pages, only type “CIVILOK” in any of the above social media platform and find the page and “SUBSCRIBE”. About Author Click on pen below to know more about the Author and “” Website. Hey, i am the Author and Creator of this website, Post Graduate in Structural Engineering. I am always enthusiastic and interested in learning and sharing new happenings around. I love to share my knowledge by various blogs and Videos. This website is my emotion towards my passion. Alokkumar. A. Mondal Civil Engineer

Structure group, Study Materials

Strength of Materials (SOM)​

Define Strength Of Materials? Strength of materials, also called mechanics of materials, deals with the behavior of solid objects subject to stresses and strains. The complete theory began with the consideration of the behavior of one and two dimensional members of structures, whose states of stress can be approximated as two dimensional, and was then generalized to three dimensions to develop a more complete theory of the elastic and plastic behavior of materials. Below are some collection of books/notes related to this subject. These books/notes will be helpful for reference purpose. This books/notes will help to solve your difficulties while studying. I recommend you to prepare your self-notes. Self Notes will be helpful for fast revision and understanding. Get Download link directly on your Email-ID for below mentioned Notes SOM MIR Publ Mechanics and SOM Simplified SOM SOM Ryder Discounts applicable. Automatic discount will be applicable at checkout from Amazon (T&C) for any purchase. Thanks. I have Many More Books and notes. Kindly drop a mail requesting any topic of the above Subject. I may get back to you with a solution. Contact Disclaimer:- The above Downloads are collected from various sources of Internet. Author or the Website owner is not responsible for any copyright issues. This downloads are made available for the students and readers, to enhance their knowledge.  This notes will help needy students as a supportive aid to prepare for competitive examination. The website owner/ Author, wholeheartedly respect the effort of the notes creators and is very very thankful to all those who had made available these Downloads for needy students. *I can only help you by providing these notes prepared by respective owners, but your effort and dedication will lead you towards “success”. All the best to the students preparing for Exam. Social Follow our Social Media Platforms   Youtube Channel Civilok   Facebook Page @Civiloks   Facebook Page @Motivational Mystery   Twitter Page @Civiloks   Telegram Channel @Civilok   Pintrest Civilok Note:- For direct approach to my channels and pages, only type “CIVILOK” in any of the above social media platform and find the page and “SUBSCRIBE”. About Author Click on pen below to know more about the Author and “” Website. Hey, i am the Author and Creator of this website, Post Graduate in Structural Engineering. I am always enthusiastic and interested in learning and sharing new happenings around. I love to share my knowledge by various blogs and Videos. This website is my emotion towards my passion. Alokkumar. A. Mondal Civil Engineer

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